Monday, September 30, 2019

Cause and Effects of Watching Too Much Television Essay

Cause and effects of watching too much television Discoveries and invention of devices are always welcome till we, humans, find a way to abuse its benefits and be adversely affected by it. This was the case when Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-ray and within five years, the British Army was using a mobile x-ray unit to locate bullets and shrapnel in wounded soldiers in the Sudan. Television was also invented with positive thoughts in mind – there would be no national borders, education and communication would be worldwide, etc. However, we are now trying to overcome its physiological and psychological adverse effects on human beings. People mainly watch television for entertainment especially when they are bored or â€Å"have nothing to do†. It is also used for relaxing, as most people like to sit and back and relax while watching their favourite television show. Watching the television however, may become addictive and a hard habit to break. There are many effects of watching too much television. One of the physiological effects of watching television in excessive amounts is eye-strain. It is true that there are specifications for watching television; television should be 5 m. away from the eye, the room should be adequately lit, television should be placed at the same height with our eyes, etc. However, these do not prevent our eyes from getting tired if we keep watching television for a long time. Another effect is obesity, which is widely observed in people who like watching television and eating snacks everyday (there is even a term â€Å"television snacks† to refer to fast food that is suitable for eating in front of the television). Television is such a powerful machine that people cannot get away from it – it is addictive. Apart from the physiological effects, television also causes psychological effects. One is a result of being exposed to violence. After seeing so many violent scenes on television, people start considering violent actions normal and they lose their sensitivity to their environment. Partly connected to this effect, the interpersonal communication among people decreases. Being insensitive to the suffering of other people causes people to become alienated. Also, after coming home from work people seek to relax n front of the television, and generally people prefer watching television to talking to each other. This issue is very important since lack of interpersonal relationships mostly end with divorces. Shortly, inventions are meant to be beneficial for human beings, if we know how to benefit from them. Television is one of such inventions that need to be used for the right purpose only – being educated and entertained for a reasonable (according to age) period of time. We may, then, be safe from or at least reduce the adverse physiological and psychological effects of watching too much television.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Combating Compassion Fatigue Essay

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the significance of Compassion Fatigue (CF) and its effects in the lives of caregivers. A caregiver is defined by dictionary. com as an individual, such as a physician, nurse, or social worker, who assists in the identification, prevention, or treatment of an illness or disability (dictionary. com). Caregivers may also include family members, friends or neighbors who voluntarily have accepted responsibility for looking after a vulnerable neighbor or relative. For the purpose of this paper, the primary caregivers discussed will be nurses. Most nurses chose nursing as a career because they have the desire to both help people and provide care for patients with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. Having this desire puts nurses at risk for suffering from CF. CF can affect nurses in many areas such as physically, emotionally, in job performance, as well as their attitude toward the work environment, coworkers, and their patients. Nurses suffering from CF may experience emotional symptoms that include, but not limited to; poor concentration, decreased focus, poor judgment, mood swings, irritability, anger and resentment (Eyre & Lombardo, 2011). Work related symptoms that may be experienced are; avoidance or dread of working with certain patients, reduced ability to feel empathy towards patients or families, and frequent use of sick days (Eyre & Lombardo, 2011). Physical symptoms often experienced are; headaches, digestive problems: diarrhea, constipation, and upset stomach, sleep disturbances: inability to sleep, insomnia, or too much sleep, and cardiac symptoms: chest pain/pressure, palpitations, and tachycardia (Eyre & Lombardo, 2011). If compassion fatigue continues and no interventions are implemented to combat it, full Burn Out will result. Burn out (BO) is defined as exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration, which gradually builds to a breaking point (www. merriam-webster. com). Nurses suffering from CF or burn out are unable to provide their patients optimal care. In order to build a healthy relationship with patients, a nurse must have a lot of compassion. CF prevents caregivers from showing compassion as well as preventing them from providing effective care because they are tired, unmotivated, and not giving prompt attention to their patients. This is problematic because patients want and deserve not only good clinical care but also the feeling and warmth and compassion from their nurse. When a nurse is experiencing CF or BO he or she may be plagued by negative emotions which include frustration, anger, depression, feeling stuck, feeling paralyzed, irritability toward coworkers and clients, cynicism, bitterness, and being negative about self, others, and the world in general (Espeland, 2006). What patient wants or deserves a nurse who has thought tendencies such as these? It may also cause a hostile work environment for their coworkers as well. Their family life is also affected. The main cause of compassion fatigue is the increasing workload of healthcare. Nurses frequently feel overworked and overwhelmed by competing demands on their time. Nurses and other caregivers are required to put in much more time dealing with inflexible aspects of healthcare such as completing paperwork and computer documentation (Windsor, 2007). They are also encouraged to see more patients in less time, leaving much less time for the nurse/patient relationship (Windsor, 2007). Many times nurse have to work short staffed, but are still expected to complete all components of the job. Increased patient load and the desire to complete all task without the possibility of overtime causes nurses to use their lunch hour or stay late to complete task and complete charting. Thus, in trying to save time, they eliminate the very things that replenish their physical, emotional, and spiritual stores such as exercise, family meals, friends outside of work, or meditation (Windsor, 2007). Many nurses such as this writer are trying to balance work, family and school as well as other life events, putting themselves at high risk for CF or BO. Other difficulties include staff communication problems including not being heard and feeling unsupported, as well as no time to build relationships with patients and families and no time to follow up on important issues. It’s imperative to know the causes and the signs of the condition in order to prevent it or get help. Nurses need to provide for their own wellbeing by meeting their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Physically, the nurse must participate in exercising, relaxation, maintaining adequate sleep and nutrition. It’s important for them to keep themselves healthy so they can help their patients. Not eating right, drinking plenty of water or getting enough rest puts them and those they care for at risk. Ways they can help themselves physically is by purposely taking some time to take a walk, even if it’s just for 15 minutes. This writer knows personally the benefits of a 15 minute walk. It helps relieves stress, it lowers your blood sugar, and relieves those aching muscles. Eating right is also very important. Many times nurses eat on the run, grabbing whatever they can eat and still move. This is unhealthy. Learning to eat frequent small healthy meals can make you feel like a new person. Fruit, salad and healthy snacks like yogurt and nuts should always be on the list. Taking care of emotional needs is just as important as the physical needs. Nurses can reach out to friends and coworkers when feeling emotionally stressed or drained. Sometimes just having someone to talk to or feel that you can relate to can be so helpful. Today, many facilities have programs to assist employees who are having trouble or feeling stressed. The facility this writer works in provides employees with a psychologist who is available when needed to meet and talk to staff in a private and professional manner. Talking with someone often helps alleviate compassion fatigue by bringing the stress out of yourself and into the open (Windsor, 2007). Colleagues are often a good resource in this area, as they may be having similar day-to-day experiences. Professional counselors are also a good source of help. They have special training and may be able to help create a recovery plan (Windsor, 2007). It’s also a good idea for administration to meet with the staff to find out how they feel about different aspects of the job, and to see if there are any ideas to make their work environment healthier, less stressful and more fulfilling. Spiritual needs may be the most important need of all. Growing spiritually in relationship with God can bring about true healing and resilience. Reading the Bible, praying and meditating are the prescriptions that help us to prevent compassion fatigue, minimize its severity or find healing. God is the one who gave us the desire to be caregivers in the first place, so He is ultimately the one that can help us when we are troubled. Frequently counting your blessings and thanking God for them is so helpful. It takes your mind off of your problems, and keeps you from complaining all the time and thinking negatively. Praying and asking God to show you the source of your struggle and what’s bothering you can be the beginning of the healing process. Attending church services routinely can help to revitalize you and prepare you to deal with the many circumstances you may encounter. There are many resources and coping strategies that nurses can use. One thing nurses must do is to remember to take care of them-selves. They need to be mindful that it is not selfish to put them-selves first. If they are healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually, they can be of more assistance to those they care for. Participating in any programs that their place of work offers them to improve performance, encourages physical renewal, and allows for time to de-stress should be encouraged. Joining a gym to get adequate exercise is a good idea. If the nurse has problems with their diet, attending nutrition classes may be helpful. Having a positive self-image is also a coping strategy that is essential for nurses to combat CF. Clearing the mind of negative thoughts immediately is also important. Prayer and meditation is a way to keep the mind clear and on a positive thought path. Learning to provide compassionate care for oneself, allows you to provide that same care to someone else. The most important coping technique of all is balancing their giving to others with giving to themselves (Bush, 2009). Only when nurses take time to heal themselves can they be truly available to aid in the healing of others. The major preventive self-care tasks well understood by the majority of nurse caregivers (Bush, 2009), as previously stated in this paper are: exercising, relaxation, maintaining adequate sleep and nutrition, and reaching out for support from others. Conclusion In conclusion, suffering from this condition prevents nurses from providing quality care. Not recognizing or refusing to acknowledge and get help for compassion fatigue causes people to leave their profession, turn to drugs or alcohol, or in extreme cases become self-destructive or suicidal (Eyre ; Lombardo, 2011). In today’s economy compassion fatigue can be very costly personally and professionally for nurses and financially for institutions (Eyre ; Lombardo, 2011). It is important for nurses to become knowledgeable about compassion fatigue symptoms and intervention strategies and to develop a personal plan of care so as to and achieve a healthy work-life balance (Eyre ; Lombardo, 2011). Equally as important is that healthcare systems invest in creating healthy work environments that prevent ompassion fatigue and address the needs of nurses who are experiencing compassion fatigue. It is important that we all recognize and understand this condition for our own health, but also for our coworkers. If you notice a coworker who you feel may be suffering from CF, reach out to them. Let them know you care and are willing and available to talk if they need you (Eyre ; Lombardo, 2011). Remember yourself, and let your coworkers know that this condition is treatable, and you can get the help you need to get your life back on track.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Negative Impact of Tourism Due to Increased Globalization Essay

The Negative Impact of Tourism Due to Increased Globalization - Essay Example It is essential and even necessary to communicate and reach out to the rest of the world as an isolated country can never flourish and keep pace with the rapidly moving world. Japan is an evident example of this case as it had kept itself apart from the rest of the world for many years, not even allowing trade and business with other nations. Japan's isolation policy was fully implemented by Tokugawa Iemitsu, the grandson of Ievasu and Shogun from 1623 to 1641. For over a hundred years, it retained its secluded position, cut off from the rest of the world, but then, after the Tokugawa government fell, it realized the importance of interconnectivity and globalization (Richie and Reischauer 1994). Now Japan is the home of technology; it is a pioneer in various novelties, most of them related to the information technology and better ways of communication and connectivity. Through globalization the economies of all countries are being rapidly integrated. One method of achieving globaliza tion is through tourism. It especially helps in the cultural interaction of one nation to another as well as a source of revenue generation. Tourism is the commercial organization of traveling for recreation and the sum of relationships resulting from the interaction between the tourists, local government, business suppliers, host communities etc. Tourism plays a vital role in the strengthening of a country's economy as it generates an immense amount of revenue for the government of the county. Local businesses also thrive due to tourism and the tourism industry offers various jobs, which ultimately results in high rates of employment. These are a few positive aspects of tourism but where it is earning net national benefits, it is also responsible for its negative impact on the country's image and economy. Tourism is the world's number one export earner, but with its advantages come the negative aspects and disadvantages. Underdeveloped and developed countries want to promote touris m because it is a good industry for revenue generation, but more than often these are not as beneficial or promising as they sound. The major reason for this is the large transfer of money from the host country and the exclusion of local businesses and products. The tourism industry results in inbound country expenses, as the tourists that come to visit the local community or the host country bring foreign exchange revenues with them mostly in the form of liquid cash, taxes, expanses etc. from their home country. These inbound expenses are usually in the form of destination specific expenses as the tourist require lodging and food facilities on their vacation trips. The foreign revenue which is supposed to help the host country economically results in having unfavorable effects on the host community because of certain hidden costs. These hidden costs are more applicable in developing and underdeveloped countries as most of the foreign revenues which come in the host country through tourists leave through leakages. Even though the revenues are retained by destination specific expenses, estimates show that nearly 80% of them are leaked back to the home country of the tourists, the inbound country expenses are basically the destination specific expenses which the tourists spend on their vacation residence and culinary expenses along with the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Italian SME footwear company (Supply Chain and Logistics Management) Assignment

Italian SME footwear company (Supply Chain and Logistics Management) - Assignment Example The firm therefore adapted the use of third-party logistics functions. In the modern business age, the global environment has become very competitive requiring companies to deal with several different sources so as to ensure customer satisfaction as well as their own success. Such competitiveness is what has called for strategic plans such as use of third party logistics providers (Rodrigo 2012: 12).With such an approach, one has to look at both the benefits and disadvantages of the approach. In covering the benefits, it isnecessary to evaluate whether such decisions would be easily assimilated by the company.That is, issues such as product availability, labor force, meeting of customer expectations the third party logistics capabilities would have to be considered, amongst others that may arise in the process.Supply chains do not only involve materials, logistics, ICT and facilities but also include people in charge of operations or people involved in the chain operations. Thus, a m anufacture should always consider â€Å"supplying people† when designing the supply chain. That is, considering the right human expertise in the supply chain. Question 1 In analysis and evaluation of the Baldinini srl strategy, major focus will be on the effect towards the company’s performance. ... ms of inventory management, Baldinini stands a chance of lowering costs associated with storage, moving in and out of their products into the inventory. Most of all, the company is lifted off the burden of tax accumulation generated by increasing value of products included in the inventory. It becomes way affordable and manageable to hire a 3pl provider. In terms of company and customer relationships, the end receivers of Baldinini products fail to realize the company, this works negatively for Baldinini. Question 2 Traditionally, several companies have seen their advantage in competitiveness as a derivative from their product or services that they provide. With time, however this has changed as products and services become replicated by the day (Keifer, 2012).This possesses a greater risk of competing with counterfeits causing companies to shutter in their own market place. Several companies now no longer see their competitive advantage as a result of their products and services but as a result of how they run their businesses (Keifer, 2012). Supply Chain Management (SCM) plays a specific role in meeting customer demands, developing strategies, proper management of inventory, control of production orders and also maximization of customer fulfillment. One fundamental of SCM is the SCM Objectives. Supply chain management aims to meet rising customer demands or increase it in target markets. It also includes optimization of the supply chain with as minimum cost as possible, Nitl (2008).This approach maintains that a company should clearly understand their customer needs and also have a clear view of their market place. By having the objectives figured out, a company already possesses upper hand in the market place.By doing so, a company eliminates unnecessary activities

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Validity, reliability and generalisation in the research process Essay

Validity, reliability and generalisation in the research process - Essay Example In addition, the essay provides recommendations, which include a series of questions that could be incorporated into a questionnaire aimed at finding out why post graduate students choose to study HRM. In management research, validity, reliability and generalisation should be addressed in research with a lot of caution because it is tricky to distinguish them precisely. For instance, validity is defined as the relationship between test results on research with other objectives that the study seeks to achieve or measure (Wainer & Braun, 2013: 40). Therefore, researchers should clearly outline their research objectives. On the other hand, Schensul, LeCompte and Schensul (1999: 271) define reliability as the consistency of research results and the ability of such results to be replicated by other researchers. It is worthy to note that a measure may be reliable, but such a measure’s reliability does not ensure its validity (Rubin & Babbie, 2010: 87). It is imperative that business and management researchers should consider reliability and validity separately. This is because reliability is about consistency while validity is about truthfulness in measures (Jackson, 2013: 90). On the other hand, seeking to ensure reliability in management may distort the purpose of a study. This is because a researcher will design a measurement tool or process that will ensure the results obtained from such a study will be replicated by other researchers. This leads to a researcher’s slight deviation from the original purpose of the study, which may in turn, adversely affect validity. Separately, generalisation may be used in businesses and management research to contribute to theory. Therefore, in consideration of generalisation, management research should be designed so that it is properly conversant with theory to contribute to

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Flores v. Reno Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Flores v. Reno - Research Paper Example When the law catches up with the parents, however, society has long struggled with what to do with the children, particularly adolescents, while deportation proceedings are pending. Add to this the reality that there are thousands of illegal immigrant juveniles coming to the United States unaccompanied, which creates an even more muddied position where the law is concerned. There is grave disagreement in society over what to do with such immigrants who are found to be here illegally, yet lacking any strong custodial or family presence within the region. This paper deals with the facts of one such case that has caused America to re-think how they treat adolescents in such cases. Examined with be the facts and background of the case, and analysis of what the recent Flores v. Reno decision means for children of illegal immigrants today, and look at some current organisations that are providing assistance and aid to adolescents who find themselves caught in the middle of this fierce batt le. Facts and Background At the time that Flores (an illegal immigrant and juvenile) was detained, prevailing Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) policy was to hold the individual in a detention center until such time that they could either be deported or otherwise dealt with in a proper and law abiding manner. The issue, however, is that such facilities do not house only juveniles. Both sexes are present, juvenile and adult. The conditions are not conducive to minors, no educational services are provided, and social arrangements are not accommodated. Even thought Flores was an illegal immigrant lacking proper documentation, the argument was that her civil rights were being gravely violated. Interestingly enough, during this time, INS shifted its policy a bit to be more flexible in its provision that an interested adult party, should they be available, could take temporary custody of the juvenile. This was only permitted in special circumstances, however, and rarely acted u pon. The reason was that INS felt the juvenile would not have any reason to turn back up for deportation hearings, so they would be lost inside the system once again. Initially, the courts agreed with Flores, After the government won a series of appeals, however, the Supreme Court did eventually weigh in. In a 7-2 decision, the finding was against Flores and in favor of existing INS policy. While the various courts and Supreme Court Justices certainly wrestled with and sympathized with unaccompanied minor being detained, they did not feel that their rights were being unduly violated. They were to be remanded into INS custody, as deemed appropriate, until proper arrangements could be made for the care and/or return of the immigrants to their own country. The issue remains, of course, whether INS custody in a detention facility is the right place for a scared juvenile from another land. Subsequent to these rulings, the INS has reviewed and modified policies, insisting that they will n o longer subject juveniles to facilities with opposite sex members and an adult population, in exchange for finding them custodians that can more properly care for them. Many critics remain, however, as they have cited cases in at least four different states where the detainment on unaccompanied minors continues to be detrimental to the immigrants emotional and physical well being. Analysis Recent

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Critically evaluate different models of corporate governance. What Essay

Critically evaluate different models of corporate governance. What implications do these models have for meeting the growing de - Essay Example Models of corporate governance The difference of contexts, in which the governance is made, brings variations in corporate governance model. It is not a single rigid structure that might describe the pattern of corporate governance in every country in the world (Morck, Wolfenzon and Yeung, 2005). There are three distinguished models of corporate governance: The Anglo-US Model Equity financing is commonly used as a technique of raising capital by private corporations in the US and the US. By virtue of this practice, the US is known for having the world’s largest capital market. A causal relationship exists between equity financing and the size of capital market which affects the development process of Anglo-US corporate governance system. The important participants in the Anglo-US model are the board of directors and the shareholders or institutional investors. Government agencies and other regulatory organizations also form a part of corporate governance model. ... Japanese model The Japanese model exhibits high stock ownership by private companies and banks. In this model, a banking system is characterized by strong and long-term links with corporations operating with the banking system. Equity financing holds an important position in the workings of Japanese corporations. However, the major shareholders in these corporations are the insiders and their affiliates. In this model, interests of the outsiders are marginal. A very small percentage of Japanese stocks are owned by foreign investors. In Japanese corporate governance, as contrasted with Anglo-US model, non-affiliated shareholders do not have a concrete position. Hence, truly independent directors, representing the outside (or foreign) shareholders, are present in very few numbers (Li, et al., 2012). Figure 2: Open-ended hexagon (Source: Emergingmarketsesg, 2011) German model The German model of corporate governance differs remarkably from both the models discussed above. There are cert ain distinctive elements of the German model, which distinguish it from the other models discussed in this paper (Ahrens and Khalifa, 2013). In most German corporations a traditional preference towards bank financing is noticed over equity financing. This shows that stock market capitalization in Germany is much smaller compared to the size of German economy. In addition, individual stock ownership is also very low in Germany, which is indicative of the factor that German investors are risk averse and adopt conservative investment strategy. Corporate governance structure in the country is strong intention of preserving long term relationships among the key economic agents, i.e, the banks and private corporations (Emergingmarketsesg, 2011). The system is inclined towards

Monday, September 23, 2019

The argument for the institution of a world currency Assignment

The argument for the institution of a world currency - Assignment Example What this will essentially do is to make sure that any impediments that remain within the midst of currency discussions are resolved in an amicable way. It will also touch upon the essential aspects related with the dealing of financial litigations that take place every now and then. What is even more interesting is the ideology that a single world currency would do away with the exchange mechanism which is present in different countries of the world. There would be fewer financial lapses and the world will become a much better and economically safer place. However, for now what is really required is a vision to have a world currency that can resurrect the structures of these markets. It would mean that this world currency takes into perspective the ideology that no currency is bigger than the other and all individuals within this world have uniform status. When this happens, the people will understand the dictum of change that is coming about within their ranks and that too for all the right reasons. Hence what remains now to be seen is the fact that the institution of a single currency would bring benefits for the sake of the people, and if the same happens, what are the negative repercussions in the aftermath of the adoption of one such currency. The first and foremost problem that could come about in the wake of having a single currency would be to properly demarcate the basis of the wealthy and poor economies in this day and age (Semmler, 2011). This would mean that the dominant superpower nations of the world which have renowned currencies of their own would have to let go their respective ones. This world currency would have the power to turn heads and have a singular belief that all types of people are catered to, without any discriminations whatsoever. It would also make sure that any predicaments that do arise within the wake of adoption of this world currency are taken care of at the earliest because apprehensions regarding the same cannot be deemed as affordable at all. This is so said because the world currency would present a singular vision of the world and keep the rich and the poor on the same platform. It would tell them how they have to conduct their own selves for the global good, which is of a collective nature nonetheless. This is important because in the current times, there is a great deal of anarchy that one can see when it comes to the financial regimes. The adoption of a world currency would mean that there are fewer issues that surround the currency domains and more collective harmony for the people at large. However, some people might have different views altogether because they think distinctively and thus have a viewpoint which is not in line with the same. But then again, there are some people who would believe in the dictum of having a world currency for the wellness of the human beings on this planet earth. The institution of a world economy would guarantee that the divide between the rich and the poor is resolved in an amicable way. This would mean that the currencies that are rampant in the world are given a relief because much has been credited upon their shoulders, and not entirely for all the right reasons. There are immense negatives that have come about in the wake of understanding the dictum of too many currencies spoiling the world image (LeRoy, 2011). The people have realized these anomalies as well and are doing their utmost to resolve the ambiguities which are widespread in the lengths and breadths of the different nations of the world. Now is the time to bring about a change and this change can only happen when there are more good points than bad. The adoption of a world currency is one such positive that can be cashed upon. It will make this world a better economic

Sunday, September 22, 2019

International Finance Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Finance Market - Essay Example Also, the importance of the capital asset pricing model for firms which want to evaluate their cost of capital, is explored in the next part. The link between CAPM, the required return on equity and the weighted average cost of capital is explored, with the help of various resources. There are many ways for the companies to raise the capital, the most common way is from stock markets, in this way the investor will be part from this company and the benefits will be based on the company performance and the company success is important for the shareholder. Another option is from bonds markets, in this way the bond owner does not have the ownership in the company and the benefit not very important for the bondholders, also the bondholder does not care about company success (Young, A 2009). For example if a firm undertake debt to finance the business, it will help the owner to retain the ownership but it will result in regular payment of interest and the lenders are less interested in success of the company, so if the owner relay more on debt fund, it will enhance financial risk. On the other hand if capital is raised through equity, then large volume of fund can be raise for longer time period and the investors will be more interested in growth and success of the co mpany but there will be loss of ownership as the equity share holders have the voting right to participate in decision making process. Bonds investment tools provide flexible funding and appropriate for companies, and at this time business companies need many way for funding, because the business sector now is changeable (Fadak, T 2004). Buy and sell debt was one of the main reasons for the occurrence of the global financial crisis, because that we have to be careful (Almarshad, M 2009). In my opinion In this argument I agree with the first writer, because at this time the business sector has many challenges and we must provide appropriate solutions for problem especially the problem of funding. A. Raising capital from bond and equity markets 1. The initial public offering When a company is in need of capital, there are two options which will comprise the mix of its capital structure: one is debt, and the other is equity. If the company chooses to raise capital from equity financing, there are also various options. One of these options include raising capital from financial markets such as the stocks market either through seasoned offering or a new issue, most commonly known as the initial public offering (Lee, I et al. 1996). The initial public offering takes place when a company decides to issue stocks that is available for the public's investors (Strategies for raising equity capital, 2003). The company employs underwriters-investment banks that first buy the securities from the issuing corporation and re-selling it to the investors-at-large (Szewczyk, H. S. et al. 1991). Underwriters usually help the issuing company to prepare the prospectus, which is a document that describes the company as well as its prospects. A lot of practitioners as well as academicians regard IPOs as one of the most costly ways to raise equity capital. IPOs are required, by law to be registered in the Securities and Exchange Commissions (Gay, K 1999). The issuing company pays for administrative and legal fees, which are part of the IPO registration (Lee, H. W. et al. n.d). 2. Seasoned equity

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Panama Canal Essay Example for Free

Panama Canal Essay The topic that will be researched and analyzed in the following essay has to do with the Imperialist Era in the United States. The question is: â€Å"To what extend did the Panama Canal lead to our success as Imperialists? † The aspects I will be researching are the history of the Panama Canal, the problems related to it, and the consequences that lead to our success as Imperialists. In general, my method of investigation was a bibliographical research, based on information found in books and on the internet. As resources I used both primary and secondary sources. First, I have a database article from Texas Digital Library, and secondly I used an IB Diploma Programme Book called â€Å"History of the Americans† published by the Oxford University and written by Y. Berliner, T. Leppard, A. Mamaux, M. D. Rogers and D. Smith. Also, I based my essay on a book from a historian called Kenneth C. Davis. The book’s name is â€Å"Don’t know much about History†, and it was a New York Times bestseller. Furthermore, I used another article by an historian called Sarah Jane Gilbert. The article has the title â€Å"Panama Canal: Troubled History, Astounding Turnaround†. The primary source I found was a letter from President Roosevelt to the Senate and House of Representatives that is called â€Å"Message to Congress after Returning from the Canal Zone in Panama†. The idea for the Panama Canal was very old, almost since Balboa stood on the cliffs of Darien in modern Panama. In fact, in 1880 a French group led by Ferdinand de Lesseps put together a company with the capital of thousands of investors to build a canal across the Isthmus of Panama, back then still part of Colombia. But corruption, miserable engineering plans and the harsh realities of the Central American jungle with its rainy season floods, earthquakes, yellow fever and malaria doomed de Lesseps’ effort. After thousands of deaths and a little excavating, the French company had to abandon the jungle and left all the equipment behind. However, since there was some trouble with Cuba, the navy had to be sent from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic. The ship took 2 month to finally arrive and fight against Cuba. But that was taking way too long. In 1903, Theodore Roosevelt then decided to give the canal a second chance. After taking the decision of continuing the French canal and not building a new one in Nicaragua, the United States had purchased the rights to build the canal. Nevertheless, the territory also needed to be bought. Since Panama had been under the control of Colombia, the US Secretary of State John Hay negotiated that the US would lease the land for 100 years, pay $10 million for the lease and $250,000 a year for the duration of the lease. But the Colombian government rejected this offer. Since Roosevelt was known for his big stick policy, he helped the Panamanians revolutionize and also sent weapons and the US Navy to Panama. Shortly after the establishment of a new country, the initial offer had been accepted, and after the purchasing of the French equipment for $40 million, the digging could begin. Roosevelt himself wrote to the Senate and House of Representatives, that the Canal was making a good process. He let them know that people there were happy, and that there was a lot of advancement going on. Furthermore, the people in panama would be really nice, and that he was welcomed warmly. The historian Sarah Jane Gilbert wrote in an e-mail interview that the United States used military force and the threat of military force against Colombia (to detach Panama from Colombia) and against the new Panamanian government (to get a better deal for the Panama Canal). American warships prevented Colombia from responding to Panamas declaration of independence. The new government then appointed the head counsel of the French company as their foreign minister (he was not Panamanian and in fact lived in New York). The lawyer drafted a treaty that gave Panama a far lower share of the canal revenues than the United States could have received in a fair negotiation. When the new government balked at the treaty, Secretary of State J. Hay warned of grave consequences and threatened to send the Navy. The Panamanians soon capitulated. When writing an essay based on sources instead of doing an actual research, it is highly important to be critical about the sources one uses. One also has think about their accuracy, because one cannot always trust them a 100%. The first source I will analyze is the letter from Roosevelt. The origin is Roosevelt himself. He sent it to the Senate and House of Representatives. From there it had been taken and finally also typed up, so that an electronic version was available for everyone who wants to use or take a look at it. The purpose of the letter was to show them how great everything in Panama was going, and that people were fairly happy. The value is high, because it is from the President himself. But of course, he also wanted to show the Senate and House of Representatives how great everything was, and we can be sure that there are limits in terms of the accuracy. Earlier the day it was much easier for politicians to lie about a situation that took place far away from their homes, since nothing could be verified. Since Panama is located in the Tropics, the Climate with its rainy season, diseases, mosquitos and wild animals are very unpleasant. From a logic point of view we could say, that Roosevelt’s letter cannot be completely true at all. The second source I will analyze is the e-mail interview between the historian Sarah Jane Gilbert and the Harvard Business School. The origin is the website of the Harvard Business School. They sent e-mails with questions to the historian, and on that way they could interview her and published her responses. The purpose is to get some information from a historian, who wrote a book about this topic and knows a lot about it. That also means that the value is high, because she is an expert. But as far as limitations are concerned, we cannot be sure that everything she really said had been published. Eventually, some of the information had been rewritten. Also, S. J. Gilbert was not present during the construction process of the Panama Canal. She had to base her answers and her knowledge on other sources. Those might also be biased. Furthermore, we tend to give some part of an event more attention than we would give others. That’s why we cannot get a completely objective answer from any historian. The Panama Canal helped us very much as Imperialists. On one side, we increased the security because our Navy needs less time to get from one Ocean to the other one, but on the other side their reach is larger since they save fuel. Also, the Panama Canal increased our national income by 4%, since other ships also use it. Furthermore, our commercial ships can ship their goods at higher rates because they do not have to pass around the Cape Horn. However, we can be sure that all the history and consequences are aspects related to imperialism. The reason of that is because we used military and economic force to make an independent nation out of Panama and then used it for our own purposes. If we think about it, that is exactly what Imperialism is about. â€Å"The seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country† is the definition, and it applies to what happened. However, the canal did not directly make us imperialists, but helped us a lot, because we could control the Atlantic Ocean and take control of Caribbean islands. Our Navy controlled a big part of American continent. However, after some time, the canal became so expensive that is was not worth it keeping it under our command, so we gave it to the Panamanians, who control this piece of history at the moment. Due to the analysis of several sources, and the interpretation of them, I have found out that the Panama Canal did help us being imperialists. But it also helped us to continue being imperialists and also guard America. The liberation of the Panama and the creation of the Panama Canal were both acts of economic and military imperialism. Without the Panama Canal we would have been in quite some trouble, and also still would be in it today, since even right now it is actively being used by ships standing in rows to pass through it. Even if the most captains of those ships do not know much about the canal, they will always be grateful for the creation of it.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Field of Nursing Informatics

Field of Nursing Informatics Professional Portfolio and Self-Marketing Plan Kelsey Hopkins Abstract â€Å"Nursing is a dynamic, evolving profession that presents limitless career opportunities for nurses with graduate degrees† (American National College of Nursing). Today, more than ever, that is evident in nursing informatics (NI). Nursing informatics involves the use computer software systems to enhance and improve patient care documentation tools, indirectly improving the quality of care patients receive worldwide. Nursing informatics is an expanding, fast-paced, ever changing nursing career that continues to grow worldwide. Key words: Nursing informatics, computer software systems, quality, patient care Professional Portfolio Self-Marketing Plan Nursing Informatics is the integration of nursing science, computer and information science, and cognitive science to manage communication and expand the data, information, knowledge, and wisdom of nursing practice† (American Nurses Association Nursing Informatics Scope and Standards, 2008). Nursing informatics utilizes health information technology to improve the health of patients and their families worldwide. A nurse informatics specialist streamlines the management and communication in nursing, vastly enhancing productivity, minimizing healthcare services costs and improving patient care quality. The field of nursing informatics is one of the fastest growing specializations in healthcare today. The American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) estimates that within the next few years 70,000 nursing informatics specialists will be needed to fulfill jobs (AMIA, 2013). Purpose of Nurse Informatics Specialist With the implementation of the Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR), documentation has become an essential communication tool among healthcare providers in providing quality care to patients. The purpose of a nurse informatics specialist is to outline and apply computerized documentation systems that enhance accuracy, reduce workload, and facilitate the analysis of clinical data between healthcare providers. A nurse informatics specialist determines ways to improve the rate, usability, readiness and precision of healthcare provider’s documentation, thus simplifying and enhancing documentation. Required competencies and scope of practice standards for Nursing Informatics The Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER) Initiative was formed to develop competencies for the field of nursing informatics. The TIGER initiative identified a list of competencies grouped into three basic categories: computer competencies, informatics skills and informatics knowledge (TIGER Sumit). A nurse informatics specialist must have working knowledge of basic software applications (Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) and knowledge of software design and project management. Specific nursing informatics skills include experience with template editing and the capability to develop methods to test for validity. Overall the nursing informatics specialist must be highly self-motivated and have excellent people skills. Nursing Informatics scopes and standards of practice are outlined in the 2008 ANA Nursing Informatics: Scopes and Standards of Practice. The book highlights nursing informatics characteristics, development and trends, educations and training, and ethical and conceptual roots (ANA, 2008). Type of Facility and Department The nurse informatics specialist can work at a variety of healthcare facilities; anywhere clinical nurses are found, a nurse informatics specialist can be found. From companies like Cerner, a public company focused on health information technology, which employs mainly traveling nurse specialists, to a community hospital, a nurse informatics specialist can be employed. The nurse informatics specialist generally works within the information technology department. Primary Responsibilities and Knowledge required of the Nurse Informatics Specialist The nurse informatics specialist is responsible for all aspects of planning, design, development, implementation, maintenance and evaluation of clinical information systems (Nursing informatics). The nurse informatics specialist assists with the development and implementation of quality tracking and reporting systems and utilizes knowledge and skills of nursing practice to determine clinical functions. The nurse informatics specialist utilizes computer software systems to enhance and improve patient care documentation tools, indirectly improving the quality of care patients receive worldwide. Educational and Professional Requirements The nurse informatics specialist should be a registered nurse with three-five years of clinical experience. Possess at least a BSN, although a MSN is preferred. The job applicant must also demonstrate the ability to plan and implement clinical information systems. A Nursing Informatics Certification is necessary, and Certified Professional in Healthcare Information Management Systems (CAHIMS), and Certified Professional in Healthcare Information Management Systems (CPHIMS) are highly recommended. Rationale for Nurse Informatics Specialists According to ANA Nursing Informatics: Scopes and Standards of Practice, â€Å"Nurses trained in NI support improved patient outcomes through their expertise in information processes, structures, and technologies, thus helping nurses and other care providers to create and record the evidence of their practice† (American Nurses Association, 2008, Pg.2). Through the use of technology and computerized documentation, the nurse informatics specialist indirectly improves the lives of patients and their families worldwide. The nurse informatics specialist improves the efficiency of healthcare provides thus enhancing patient care through the implementation of accurate, simple to use patient documentation tools. Services of Nurse Informatics Specialist Electronic documentation is the primary responsibility of the nurse informatics specialist. After all, documentation is how healthcare providers communicate with one another. A nurse informatics specialist, through the use of computer software and information technologies, finds ways to enhance and simplify documentation thus improving the quality of patient care. The goal is to develop a clinical system that is user-friendly, effective, and enhances patient care. Benefit to the Organization and Customers The ultimate go of healthcare is better health for all. Employed and utilized properly, a nurse informatics specialist is able to help healthcare organizations and patients achieve their ultimate goal. Nursing informatics utilizes health information technology to improve the health of patients and their families worldwide. A nurse informatics specialist improves information management and communication in nursing, thus improving efficiency, reducing costs and enhancing the quality of patient care (American Nurses Association, 2008). A nurse informatics specialist gives back valuable time to healthcare providers by enhancing the efficiency of the healthcare organizations documentation system allowing them to spend more time on direct patient care activities. Characteristics of a Master’s Prepared Nurse A master’s prepared nurse is a well-rounded nurse with diverse experiences, knowledge, and insight. A master’s prepared nurse is determined, highly motivated, well-educated employee. A master’s prepared nurse is a critical thinker with invaluable leadership skills; eager for new challenges and professional growth. It’s this skill set that allows the master’s prepared nurse to flourish in the quick paced, ever changing field of nursing informatics. Unique Attributes Anywhere a clinical nurse is employed, a nurse informatics specialist is employed. Nurse informatics specialists can work in virtually all healthcare settings; from a public health agency to a public health information technology company, nurse informatics specialists are employable in every healthcare setting in the world. To be successful as a nurse informatics specialist, one must possess certain competencies. The nurse informatics specialist must have excellent computer skills with an understanding of how to effectively use computer software programs (Microsoft Word, Excel), knowledge flow of clinical workflow in hospitals and outpatient care settings, and knowledge of Federally Qualified Healthcare standards (JCAHO). The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 mandated that by January 1, 2014, all public and private healthcare providers and other eligible professionals (EP) must have adopted and demonstrated meaningful use of electronic medical records (EMR) in order to maintain their existing Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement levels† (Centers of Medicare and Medicaid, ). This act also provides healthcare providers with financial incentives if they are able to demonstrate â€Å"meaningful use† of EHR. The field of nursing informatics is unlike any other nursing field today. Nursing informatics utilizes the technology advances of the 21st century to influence and improve the quality of patient care in an indirect patient care role. Unlike the specialties of clinical systems management or nurse educator, a nurse informatics specialist works side by side with healthcare providers to outline and apply computerized documentation systems that enhance accuracy, reduce workload, and facilitate the analysis of clinical data between healthcare providers. A nurse informatics specialist determines ways to improve the rate, usability, readiness and precision of healthcare provider’s documentation, thus simplifying and enhancing documentation Conclusion The field of nursing informatics is one of the fastest growing specializations in healthcare today. Nursing informatics utilizes health information technology to improve the health of patients and their families worldwide. A nurse informatics specialist streamlines the management and communication in nursing, vastly enhancing the productivity, reducing healthcare services costs and improving patient care quality. The nurse informatics specialist must have excellent computer skills with an understanding of how to effectively use computer software programs (Microsoft Word, Excel), knowledge flow of clinical workflow in hospitals and outpatient care settings, and knowledge of Federally Qualified Healthcare standards.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Interview with an Artist :: Essays Papers

Interview with an Artist The artist/illustrator I chose to contact was Mark McKee. He’s an illustrator/designer for World Industries, a skateboard and snowboard company. Some of his work has been very controversial and lawsuits have been filed on several occasions. Specifically for a board with a Winnie the Pooh look-alike and also for a design similar to a L. Ron Hubbard book. But I particularly liked his original work, specifically flame-boy and the smiley devil guy. Contacting him wasn’t too hard; I found the number for World Industries in a snowboard magazine. When I called I was given a new number, since they changed offices. The secretary put me right through to Mark McKee’s voice mail when I called the new number. I left a message and then realized I may not get a call back. Who wants to call someone to answer questions? So I figured I take a little more initiative and find out when he would be there so I could chat with him. After a second call to the secretary I found out I needed to call back in just about an hour and a half. I was put right through to Mark McKee on my third call to this number. He said he was more than happy to help me in any way possible. But after a few minutes of my interviewing he asked if "this was for real or was I just *censored*ing with him?" Apparently some friends of his like to play pranks and he thought this was one of them. I explained that this was a silly assignment, but it had to be done so that I could get my degree. A friend was the one who first got him interested in skateboard graphics, he first worked in the BMX industry after graduating with a design degree from UCLA. He was fortunate enough to not have to do any self-promotion after college and kind of "fell into" the job he has now. His official title is Art Director, according to him that’s what his card says. He over sees five other artists at World Industries that produce skateboard and snowboard graphics. He didn’t want to give any advice, he said "didn’t like doing it" and had nothing more to say about it.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Childhood Obesity Essay -- Obesity in Children

One of the biggest problems we currently face as a society is obesity. People all over the nation question why we are having this problem and who is responsible. Who do we turn to to educate our society so that we may address this problem the correct way? The answer: healthy eating habits and exercising should be taught early in a child's life. An excellent place to build these fitness foundations is where children spend almost a third of their time: at school. Physical education should be available for all kindergarten through twelfth-grade students in order to tackle the problems of obesity. The number of overweight youth has more than doubled in the past thirty years according to an article, 'Is Physical Education Becoming an Oxymoron' written by Vicki Worrel, a Physical Education professor at Wichita State University. In addition, fifteen percent out of nine million children, ages six to nineteen, are overweight according to the article 'The Growing Cost of Obesity.' Obesity is one of our nation's largest and most expensive health problems. Obese children have a higher chance of growing up to become obese adults (Troxler 24). As you can see in the statements above, it?s obvious that obesity is a continuing and growing problem and all starts at an early age. Physical activity should be encouraged at an early age. It would be best to make physical education a required school curriculum. A student taking a physical education class will have many benefits. For example, a child taking a physical education class will learn about proper exercising. It would also be wise if the instructors integrated information about healthy eating habits into the curriculum to further increase a child?s knowledge on good dieting. This will help a child develop physically more in strength and endurance which in turn will build healthy bones, muscles, and muscle development. Furthermore, at the same time a child will maintain a healthy weight from eating a nutritional diet. Having studied some physical education classes from personal experience, the coach was very passionate about being healthy. Before leaving P.E. class everyday, he would review all the major food groups and stress that the students stay away from fried foods and consume more fruit in their di et. There are many benefits to exercise. Physical activity can help increase self-esteem and reduce stress an... to all the children in school. This will, in turn, guide our future generation to follow a hale and hearty exercising and diet programs. In addition, such programs will initiate a smaller percentage of children becoming obese and thus growing up as regular healthy adults. As a society, we should depend on the schools to educate our children on physical education and healthy eating habits. Physical education classes should be available for all grades from kindergarten to twelfth grade in order to face the problems of obesity in our society. Works Cited: Loewy, Michael I. Working with Obese Children in Schools. Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 2012. ?The Growing Cost of Obesity: An Article? National Association of Convenience Store Online. 15 May. 2013. <> Troxler, Howard. ?Much Mind Exercise and Too Little Physical Education Cause Flab.? The Times. October 2013. Worrel, Vicki. ?Is Physical Education Becoming an Oxymoron: An Article? University Communications, Wichita State University. 19 Sep. 2013. <> Childhood Obesity Essay -- Obesity in Children One of the biggest problems we currently face as a society is obesity. People all over the nation question why we are having this problem and who is responsible. Who do we turn to to educate our society so that we may address this problem the correct way? The answer: healthy eating habits and exercising should be taught early in a child's life. An excellent place to build these fitness foundations is where children spend almost a third of their time: at school. Physical education should be available for all kindergarten through twelfth-grade students in order to tackle the problems of obesity. The number of overweight youth has more than doubled in the past thirty years according to an article, 'Is Physical Education Becoming an Oxymoron' written by Vicki Worrel, a Physical Education professor at Wichita State University. In addition, fifteen percent out of nine million children, ages six to nineteen, are overweight according to the article 'The Growing Cost of Obesity.' Obesity is one of our nation's largest and most expensive health problems. Obese children have a higher chance of growing up to become obese adults (Troxler 24). As you can see in the statements above, it?s obvious that obesity is a continuing and growing problem and all starts at an early age. Physical activity should be encouraged at an early age. It would be best to make physical education a required school curriculum. A student taking a physical education class will have many benefits. For example, a child taking a physical education class will learn about proper exercising. It would also be wise if the instructors integrated information about healthy eating habits into the curriculum to further increase a child?s knowledge on good dieting. This will help a child develop physically more in strength and endurance which in turn will build healthy bones, muscles, and muscle development. Furthermore, at the same time a child will maintain a healthy weight from eating a nutritional diet. Having studied some physical education classes from personal experience, the coach was very passionate about being healthy. Before leaving P.E. class everyday, he would review all the major food groups and stress that the students stay away from fried foods and consume more fruit in their di et. There are many benefits to exercise. Physical activity can help increase self-esteem and reduce stress an... to all the children in school. This will, in turn, guide our future generation to follow a hale and hearty exercising and diet programs. In addition, such programs will initiate a smaller percentage of children becoming obese and thus growing up as regular healthy adults. As a society, we should depend on the schools to educate our children on physical education and healthy eating habits. Physical education classes should be available for all grades from kindergarten to twelfth grade in order to face the problems of obesity in our society. Works Cited: Loewy, Michael I. Working with Obese Children in Schools. Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 2012. ?The Growing Cost of Obesity: An Article? National Association of Convenience Store Online. 15 May. 2013. <> Troxler, Howard. ?Much Mind Exercise and Too Little Physical Education Cause Flab.? The Times. October 2013. Worrel, Vicki. ?Is Physical Education Becoming an Oxymoron: An Article? University Communications, Wichita State University. 19 Sep. 2013. <>

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Wilkie Collins’ The Woman In White: 19th Century Victorian femininity e

Wilkie Collins’ The Woman In White: 19th Century Victorian femininity exposed through the accounts of multiple narrators Readers of nineteenth century British literature imagine typical Victorian women to be flighty, emotionally charged, and fully dependent on the men in their lives. One envisions a corseted woman who is a dutiful wife, pleasant entertainer, and always the model of etiquette. Wilkie Collins acknowledges this stereotype in his novel The Woman in White, but he contradicts this image by creating strong women in the characters of Marian Halcombe, and to a lesser extent, of Laura Fairlie. Collins also explores these powerful women in relation to marriage, and their loss of identity in becoming a wife, as exemplified by Madame Fosco. He reveals personal details about the women by employing a journal-style novel, one in which most characters have the ability to describe the action in their own words and thoughts. In this way, Collins can craft a mystery where both sexes are in a constant power struggle and the women are as well-equipped to be detectives as the men. The character of Laura Fairlie is an interesting one to explore; on one hand, she appears to be the embodiment of Victorian sentiment. Laura is emotional and considered very feminine by all narrators in the novel, and initially seems to be controlled by men because of the promise she makes to her father on his death-bed. Her consent to this loveless marriage with Sir Percival Glyde also proves her to be stronger than an average Victorian woman might be; she is a moral, respectable woman, whose conscience will not let her betray the promise to her father for an alternative escape. The reader first meets Laura through Walter Hartright’s eyes, and... ...ntellect with regard to detection and solving a mystery. In The Woman In White, Wilkie Collins employs a changing narrator that gives voice to powerful women and their struggle against the oppressions of marriage. With the characterizations of Marian Halcombe and Laura Fairlie, he dismisses the outmoded notions of Victorian womanhood, and places equal power between the men and women in his novel. Madame Fosco is representative of the passive Victorian woman, and her extreme change in character forces the reader to examine the negative aspects of marriage for these women more closely. With the distinct accounts of different authors, the reader is able to gain insights into these women and their motives for accepting or denying their gender roles in the novel. Works Cited Collins, Wilkie. The Woman In White. Oxford University Press, Inc: New York. 1996.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Prejudice and Stereotypes in 12 Angry Men Essay

Stereotypes use generalisations to characterise people, and 10th juror is particularly prone to stereotyping the defendant based on socio-economic background. He regularly makes generalised statements about ‘those people’ (p. 6), without ever justifying his opinions with concrete details. Examples include: .I’m tellin’ you they let the kids run wild up there’ (p. 6). . ‘†¦ You’re not going to tell us that we’re supposed to believe that kid, knowing what he is. Listen, I’ve lived among ’em all my life. You can’t believe a word they say. I mean, they’re born liars. ‘ (P. 8) .The kids who crawl outa those places are real trash. I don’t want any part of them, I’m telling you (p. 12) . ‘Let’s talk facts. These people are born to lie’ †¦ ‘I’ve known some who were OK, but that’s the exception’ (pp. 51-52) . ‘They’re violent, they’re vicious, they’re ignorant, and they will cut us up’ (p. 53) The one instance where 10th juror uses details is when he argues ‘his type, they’re multiplying five times as fast as we are. That’s the statistic. ‘ (P. 53). Yet he only uses this statistic to ground his own fears: ‘They’re against us, they hate us, they want to destroy us †¦ If we don’t smack them down whenever we can, then they are gonna own us. They’re gonna breed us out of existence. ‘ (P. 53). 10th juror is not the only one guilty of such generalisation and stereotyping. For example, 4th states: The boy †¦ He’s a product of a filthy neighbourhood and a broken home †¦ Slums are breeding grounds for criminals. I know it. So do you. It’s no secret. Children from slum backgrounds are potential menaces to society. (P. 12). Similarly, 3rd juror muses: .. sometimes I think we’d be better off if we took these tough kids and slapped ’em down before they make trouble, you know? Save us a lot of time and money. (P. 3) Neither 4th nor 3rd jurors make reference to specific details of the defendant’s situation, but rather rely on generalised stereotypes which support their own prejudices against ‘those people’. In fact, 8th is the only juror to carefully review specific details from the case rather than resorting to general class stereotypes. He notes: †¦ This boy’s been kicked around all his life. You know – living in a slum, his mother dead since he was nine. He spent a year and a half in an orphanage while his father served a jail term for forgery (p. 8). This lists specific facts and variables about the boy’s upbringing, rather than distilling him into a non-specific member of a socio-economic group. Similarly, in 8th juror’s speech on page 23,he lists specific details of the victim’s rough existence – his gambling, his convictions, his employment history. This can be contrasted with 10th juror’s simplistic and prejudiced attitude: ‘listen, we know the father was a bum’ (p.24). This contrast between these two attitudes is that 8th juror is attempting to form his opinions based on the specific factors affecting the defendant and the victim, and trying to focus on the human beings in the case at hand. 10th juror is content to convict the defendant based on stereotypes and generalised tendencies of others in similar situations. Once again, by aligning the less simplistic attitude with 8th juror, Twelve Angry Men endorses compassion and condemns prejudice and stereotyping.

Principles for implementing duty of care in health, social care Essay

Describe how to respond to complaints Responding to complaints, whether made by a parent or a staff colleague, you should always keep professional and listen to what the person has to say. You should keep calm and by being respectful and apologising when necessary which helps to diffuse potential conflict. Complaints need to be resolved as quickly as possible and constructively to avoid creating a bad atmosphere for all those involved. When responding to a complaint, it is important to listen to the other person’s point of view. You should avoid making personal comments and focus on the facts throughout. Always apologise if you are wrong and explain how you will resolve the situation. Explain the main points of agreed procedures for handing complaints If a member of staff or a parent wishes to make a complaint they should discuss their complaint with the setting leader first where most complaints can be resolved quickly. If the parent or member of staff is not happy with the outcome they should then put their complaint in writing to the setting leader who can then pass the details onto the owner or chairperson of a committee run setting. The setting will look into the complaint and once they have come to a conclusion the setting leader can arrange a meeting with the person who made the complaint to discuss the outcome. If the person is still not happy with the outcome they can ask for a further meeting with the setting leader and the owner or chairperson where they can also invite a representative. They can then all meet up to try and come to a conclusion. Everything at this meeting will be noted and recorded. If the complaint can still not be resolved at this meeting then a further meeting can be made where an external mediator is invited. The external mediator will then investigate the complaint and then arrange a meeting for all parties to settle the complaint. A record of the meeting will be made which will discuss any decisions that have been made. Everyone that attends the meeting will need to sign the record and will get a copy of all the notes. This signed record should conclude the complaint. Parents are entitled to contact Ofsted throughout any stage of the complaints procedure. The telephone number of Ofsted will be on the settings complaints procedure.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Brand History Ysl

Brand History Founded by: Yves Saint Laurent and his partner Pierre Berge Chief Designer: 1. Yves Saint Laurent 1962-2002 The Day of Birth: August 1, 1936 The Day of death: June 1, 2008 Reputation: He is considered by many of the world's best- dressed people to be the inventor of modern fashion. Besides that, he is seen as the last of a generation of clothes designers that made the Rive Gauche (French for â€Å"Left Bank† of the Seine River in Paris) home to the most talented fashion designers in the world. These designers include Christian Dior, Coco Chanel, and Hubert de Givenchy — all people who helped make Paris the international capital of fashion. CAREER: 1. Saint Laurent got his big break when he was only 17 years old. The shy young designer began to work for fashion legend, Christian Dior. 2. By the time he was 21 years old, Saint Laurent was in charge of Dior's empire. He immediately started to develop a unique style that combined Dior's elegance and tradition with a more wearable, realistic style. . Saint Laurent struck out on his own in 1961, opening his own fashion house where he created haute couture for socialites and celebrities. MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS: 1. Saint Laurent's trendsetting clothes not only changed the look of high fashion but also the life of the average woman. 2. Aside from his haute couture clothing, he offered another clothing line for women available in department stores. The designs from this line often turned heads and changed the lives of the women wh o wore them. 3. In the 1960s and 1970s, when women were joining the workforce in millions for the first time, Saint Laurent designed more gender-neutral looks based on pants and jackets. No longer did women feel like they needed to wear only skirts and blouses. The change met with resistance, but women those who wearing Yves Saint Laurent’s pantsuits would simply take off their pants to dictate what they were allowed to wear on more than one occasion. 4. Another clothing item of his that became popular was a jacket called â€Å"le smoking,† which is a square-shouldered tuxedo for women. When the jacket first appeared in his 1966 fall-winter collection, it immediately became a groundbreaking landmark in fashion history because it blurred the lines between traditional male and female style. 5. Saint Laurent also changed fashion by using other types of pop culture in his clothes. For example, he created the Mondrian dress in 1965. These colorful dresses were patterned with the Dutch artist Piet Mondrian's abstract and geometric designs. 6. Saint Laurent also aided the women's liberation movement by challenging other socially accepted norms. . In 1971, Saint Laurent posed nude for his own perfume ads. This was shocking to many people. He did it to raise this question: Why is it more socially acceptable when a woman poses nude for an advertisement than when a man does? 8. He is credited with having introduced the tuxedo suit for women. 9. He became the first designer to use ethnic models in his runway shows, and referenced other non-European cultures in his work. 2. Albe r Elbaz 1998-1999 3. Tom Ford 1999-2004 4. Stefano Pilati 2004- Logo Designed by: A. M. Cassandre Brand Main History: During the 1960s and 1970s, the firm popularized fashion trends such as the beatnik look, safari jackets for men and women, tight pants and tall, thigh-high boots, including the creation of arguably the most famous classic tuxedo suit for women in 1966, Le Smoking suit. Some of his most memorable collections include the Pop Art, Ballet Russes, Picasso and Chinese ones. He also started mainstreaming the idea of wearing silhouettes from the 1920s, '30s and '40s. He was the first, in 1966, to popularize ready-to-wear in an attempt to democratize fashion, with Rive Gauche a |name. He was also the first designer to use black models in his catwalk shows. Among St. Laurent's muses were Loulou de La Falaise, the daughter of a French marquis and an Anglo-Irish fashion model, Betty Catroux, the half-Brazilian daughter of an American diplomat and wife of a French decorator, Talitha Pol-Getty, who died of drug overdose in 1971, and Catherine Deneuve, the iconic French actress. Ambassador to the couturier during the late 1970s and early 80s was London socialite millionairess Diane Boulting-Casserley Vandelli, making the brand ever more popular amongst the -European jet-set and upper classes. In 1993, the Saint-Laurent fashion house was sold to the pharmaceuticals company Sanofi for approximately $600,000,000. In the 1998-1999 seasons, Alber Elbaz, currently of Lanvin, designed 3 ready-to-wear collections. Pierre Berge appointed Hedi Slimane as Collections and art Director in 1997, and they relaunched YSL Rive Gauche Homme. Hedi Slimane decided to leave the house 2 years later. In 1999, Gucci bought the YSL brand and asked Tom Ford to design the ready-to-wear collection while Saint-Laurent would design the haute couture collection. In 2002, dogged by years of poor health, drug abuse, depression, alcoholism, criticisms of YSL designs, Saint-Laurent closed the illustrious couture house of YSL. While the house no longer exists, the brand still survives through its parent company Gucci Group. The pret-a-porter line is still being produced under the direction of Stefano Pilati after Tom Ford left in 2004. His style is decidedly more French than the overtly sexy image that Tom Ford perpetuated. Brand Communication For advertising his companions, the Yves Saint Laurent uses familiar faces from the general public. In the beginning, Scroll Elela great names in fashion as Katoucha Niane, Betty Catroux, Loulou de la Falaise, Talitha Pol-actress Getty or Catherine Deneuve. Then, Kate Moss, Claudia Schiffer. The former supermodel Naomi Campbell is used for the campaign of the Autumn-Winter 09 collection. For the men's fragrance â€Å"Night of the Man† is Vincent Cassel who embodies the new face of the brand. The house YSL applies to make his shows an event for which the jetset people jostling to sit in the front ranks. The venues are just as prestigious as the models occupying the podium. The women's collection Autumn-Winter 07-08 and was held at the Centre Pompidou in Paris on 1 March 2007, while the men's collection for the same season was held in the workshops Berthier. Campaign Spring-Summer 2008 women has, in turn, held on the premises of the Foundation Yves Saint Laurent-Pierre Berge. The Creative Director Stefano Pilati is then, photographers Ines Van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin and the model is none other than Kate Moss. The Fall-Winter 2009-2010 collection create the event: it is first opened on the website of the brand, before being presented on the catwalk. Since 2007, Stefano Pilati created the event each year to the streets with his â€Å"Manifesto†: a photo catalog of luxury brand Distibution to passersby on the street. In 2008 he was with the image of supermodel Naomi Campbell, photographed by the duo Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin-distributed simultaneously in Paris, New York, London, Milan, Tokyo and Hong Kong. A cotton bag flanked YSL logo was also provided for the occasion. In 2009 he was with the image of Claudia Schiffer and accompanied by a bag with the initials of the brand, designed by Stefano Pilati himself, and a small USB key.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How Your Personal Learning Style Enhanced Your Learning

When my University grade class began in September I had really few of the accomplishments necessary to finish it successfully. In the November of that twelvemonth an initial assignment was completed which outlined the strengths and failings present at the clip, and suggested a program for developing those which were missing. It is now March and the terminal of the first twelvemonth is fast nearing. So looking back, how have I improved? Have I managed to derive any new accomplishments, or polish my older accomplishments? This assignment focuses on those inquiries. However, it must be pointed out that in order to reply these inquiries fundamental alterations to my apprehension of the construct of survey accomplishments had to alter. As a consequence, farther development to my thought manners, larning environment, ability to debate and concise clip direction besides occurred. Using these freshly refined accomplishments I will travel back and analyze my first twelvemonth at university and determine whether or non the program I created to heighten my acquisition was effectual. As is widely reputed â€Å" all accomplishments improve through pattern, feedback and monitoring † ( Cottrell, 1999:30 ) . I hope to demo how I have capitalised on this construct, foregrounding how this twelvemonth has made me more cognizant of my preferable learning manner and what I need to make to better further still. Becoming a more effectual scholar is non something I was able to sit down and larn by reading a book on survey accomplishments, I had to larn to read my work objectively and be able to knock constructively. I will besides explicate subsequently on in this assignment why depicting a personal acquisition manner utilizing merely those theoretical accounts presently available is non ever good to a scholar. That alternatively, cognition should be used to make a individualized and adaptative model which you are in control of ; enabling you to â€Å" aˆÂ ¦learn about yourself and how you perform to your possible under any circumstancesaˆÂ ¦ † ( Cott rell, 1999:44 ) . By composing this assignment chronologically I hope to demo that development has both taken topographic point since September, and is still taking topographic point now. This assignment will get down with a brief reappraisal of the survey accomplishments already present at the start of the class, upon which an initial assignment was completed. The work of Stella Cottrell proved to be an priceless plus while researching for that assignment. Trusting chiefly upon her Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats ( SWOT ) analysis to assist with the designation of my survey accomplishments, it has since become apparent that this showed a deficiency of ability to be able to objectively analyze myself. The personal strengths her analysis brought to visible radiation included puting mini-goals, believing logically, debating with a friend, and organizing a physical workspace. Since so, nevertheless, it has become clear that these were non skills in themselves, but instead subskills. Thes e are all properties that a individual learns to develop in order to heighten a chief survey accomplishment ; such as assignment authorship, or general apprehension of a subject. I shall return to analyze these findings, and the importance they played in my hereafter development subsequently on in this assignment. Having reviewed the accomplishments present at the start of the class, this subdivision of the assignment will concentrate on those which have been developed since. Using the programs I created to attach to the initial assignment three key survey accomplishments have now been enhanced. These include reading ability, administration and the ability to debate. As mentioned earlier, accomplishments are made up of subskills, and it is the subskills which are developed to heighten the survey accomplishment. Reading ability and thought manners are frequently found manus in manus as a combined survey accomplishment. Last semester I lacked the ability to expeditiously pick out the salient points in a text, due in portion to my inflexibleness when reading. The program designed to keep fluidness and flexibleness when researching and reading helped heighten this accomplishment ( Appendix One ) . In bend, this helped to develop the next subskills of concentration, its lastingness and attending ; every bit good as memory capacity. However, the ability to debate a subject with a broader circle of people was non enhanced straight by utilizing either of the programs proposed last semester. Alternatively, this accomplishment came as an indirect consequence of an improved concentration, and wider reading and believing abilities. Attending regular categories and seminars, every bit good as take parting in group work, has seen the circle of people with whom I am able to debate class content addition. In bend, nevertheless, heightening the accomplishment of debating has encouraged farther development in all the survey skills antecedently mentioned ; there are now extra grounds to read widely and understand what I am larning. Finally, when heightening the survey accomplishment of administration, changeless appraisal of how my clip could be best spent was needed, turn outing Cottrell ‘s diagrammatic representation of a twenty-four hours, divided by activity, to be important ( Appendix Two ) . Every clip I referred back to it I reminded myself of merely how much clip I could potentially blow, and how much clip I could liberate up if I merely re-prioritised my day-to-day undertakings. By default this helped to develop the subskills of maintaining an organized physical workspace ; invariably puting come-at-able mini-goals ; and, when combined with the program to keep fluidness, my concentration. The importance of these survey accomplishments, every bit good as an account of how they have led me to look at other more advanced accomplishments, will be discussed in more item in a ulterior subdivision of this assignment. Having identified the accomplishments with which I began this class and contrasted them against those accomplishments which I have since learned, it is logical to turn to next the controversial topic of acquisition manners. For the intent of this assignment, I narrowed the available acquisition typologies down to the three most popular among instructors and pupils: the Gregorc Style Delineator ( GSD ) ; the Dunn ‘s Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic theoretical account ( VAK ) ; and the Honey and Mumford Scale. Upon finishing the GSD, of the four classs available, I placed myself most strongly into the ‘Abstract Sequential ‘ group. The given standards for this group is the understanding that such a scholar is at their optimal if they can â€Å" analyze a state of affairs before doing a determination † , but that they would happen it hard to follow â€Å" specific regulations and ordinances † and to be â€Å" sentimental † in idea. It is apparent from such stiff classification that this peculiar acquisition theoretical account Acts of the Apostless against developing accomplishments and more in favor of placing accomplishments. Sing each strength and failing in bend, it became clear that I really span all four of Gregorc ‘s classs. A categorization which he suggests is non healthy for a scholar to hold ; this averment straight opposes the political orientation of the Honey and Mumford Scale. When sing the VAK theoretical account it transpired that I am non a strong scholar in any one class ; being every bit able to larn in all Fieldss they propose. Again, they would propose that a scholar in such a place would endure troubles as it is non favorable to cross multiple classs. While this agrees with the GSD in its political orientation, it has a much heavier focal point on practical acquisition. Learning can take topographic point outside of the context of a book or other likewise formatted text, information learned through drama or music, for illustration, is besides valid. Finally, of the three theoretical accounts evaluated, it was the Honey and Mumford Scale that was most broad in its attack and actively encouraged a spanning of classs. Although this is the most clip devouring theoretical account to finish, it is more thorough for being so. I pulled in front strongly in two of the four classs, with a 3rd non far behind. Their advice upon such a categorization is to work to better the classs which score most ill. This last typology, as I have stated, seems the most utile to any scholar in detecting failings and strengths in larning and taking to develop those failings. The theories underlying the political orientation of the Honey and Mumford theoretical account will be explained in more item within a farther subdivision of this assignment, alongside which will be my ain ideas on how the acquisition typologies presently available can be combined to make a more personal acquisition manner. To analyze in more item the first subdivision of this assignment, in which the accomplishments present at the clip of composing the initial assignment are reviewed, the construct of soul-searching will be farther discussed. Although it can be said now that the trust upon Cottrell ‘s SWOT analysis showed an inability to objectively analyze myself, it must besides be pointed out that my apprehension of what a survey accomplishment is has besides changed. In the initial assignment such strengths as ‘setting mini-goals ‘ were identified without associating them to the overall accomplishments they helped to heighten. Following this illustration, the subskill of puting mini-goals improves administration, as does holding a designated physical workspace. Given that the initial assignment focused to a great extent on all the subskills linked to administration I will seek and broaden the focal point with this assignment. While it is true to state that my administration has im proved over the last twelvemonth, it is no longer a subject that requires such an extended analysis. Herne, Jessel and Griffiths ( 2000 ) explain that presuming active control of larning ensures that mental constructions will develop to help apprehension. Over the continuance of the last two semesters I have managed to develop one of their suggested productive survey schemes based on doing connexions: the construct map, or head map. This has proved to be utile in organizing non merely my ideas, but besides my essays and instance surveies. Deriving a better criterion of administration has helped me see that there were other countries of my personality that needed to better in order to profit more successfully from a university class. Once the significance of ‘study accomplishments ‘ had been adjusted and applied objectively, I was able to expeditiously utilize the programs developed with the initial assignment to develop those accomplishments which were missing. An inability to be flexible when reading – to merely pick out the salient points – was identified as a failing. In trying to heighten this accomplishment the program to keep fluidness and flexibleness was the more effectual of the two programs created. As Dominic Wyse ( 2006 ) , among others, has said â€Å" The individual most of import thing you can make to better the opportunities of success on your class is to read widely † . This cognition made it even more important to be able to utilize any clip exhausted reading more efficaciously. I followed the practical advice written by Herne, Jessel and Griffiths ( 2000 ) to enable me to read with purpose. They advise that text should be scanned foremost, paying peculiar atten ding to any headers every bit good as looking for familiar constructs. This plays on the theory that â€Å" understanding can be helped if relevant constructions are ‘activated ‘ by anterior cognition † ( Herne, Jessel, Griffiths, 2000:4 ) . I have besides increased the sum of H2O I drink during a twenty-four hours as Cottrell ( 1990 ) suggested that this may assist my organic structure relax ; when relaxed I will hold better reading comprehension. Reading widely is besides a subskill that helps to heighten other survey accomplishments, such as the ability to take part in argument ; a accomplishment I said was of most importance to me to be able to get the hang in the initial assignment. When reading both widely and on a regular basis a larger vocabulary is established, as written text uses a different signifier of the linguistic communication to talk text. To be able to expeditiously utilize a deeply larger cognition base when connection in treatments besides requires the ability to follow different values and individualities ( californium. Baynham and Maybin, 1996 ) . As is a common characteristic when working hand in glove, the sharing of such values and cognition is increased as each individual contributes a alone position to a treatment ( after Cottrell, 1999 ) . In bend, this development enhances the survey accomplishment of critical thought, something Edward Glaser defined as â€Å" aˆÂ ¦a relentless attempt to ana lyze any belief or supposed signifier of cognition in the visible radiation of the grounds that supports it and the farther decisions to which it tends † ( Cottrell, 1999:221 ) . Whilst it has already explained why this assignment will non concentrate intently on the survey accomplishment of administration, it is necessary to explicate whether the program created last semester to assist prioritize how I spend my clip was of any usage. Rather than follow the representation of my most efficient twenty-four hours ( Appendix Two ) as if it were a regulation, I was able to understand the political orientation behind it. This meant I invariably assessed my twenty-four hours and the undertakings I had to finish to see if I could do better usage of the clip available. It is as a consequence of these appraisals that I now feel confident to non hold to pay excessively much attending to how I spend my clip. Associating all these subskills and freshly enhanced survey accomplishments together is the metacognitive attack of changeless self-reflection and rating, for which â€Å" aˆÂ ¦you need some apprehension of the procedures of survey † ( Northedge, 1990:17 ) . This is an attack which I have taken chiefly from this faculty, hence a natural patterned advance from self-evaluation and contemplation would be to see the ‘habitual ‘ . Can I acquire to the phase, where at the terminal of my 2nd twelvemonth, I do non hold to measure myself so consciously, but instead that it becomes a wont? To be able to develop any survey accomplishment to the degree of ‘habit ‘ will necessitate a enormous sum of difficult work and dedication, it will besides demand a natural boundary ; my personal acquisition manner. Once I have an thought about how I learn, and in what conditions I learn best I will hold, in consequence, produced a model in which to concentrate the farther development of my survey accomplishments. Since the innovation of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging ( MRI ) machine in the 1980s the Fieldss of neuroscience and psychological science have progressively overlapped. In the last 20 old ages many scientists and psychologists have combined the consequences of MRI scans with psychological development theories to bring forth learning manners. In one study over 71 such typologies were identified ( Revell, 2005 ) . However controversial the outward visual aspect of a learning manner may be, there seems to be a common consensus that a individual develops best when their acquisition is structured and everyday. The dissensions begin over merely what the best modus operandi is, and how to learn within its model. Earlier in this assignment three typologies were focused on ; the Gregorc Style Delineator ( GSD ) ; the Dunn ‘s Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic theoretical account ( VAK ) ; and the Honey and Mumford Scale. Each of these theoretical accounts returned rather different consequences about my personal learning strengths and failings. Upon reading legion independent studies on these larning typologies it has been highlighted that they still require a monolithic sum of independent rating, and that without more conclusive grounds, they should non be entirely embraced and utilized. In one such study, my ain ideas about the GSD theoretical account were supported by statements like: â€Å" aˆÂ ¦the GSD is flawed in its constructionaˆÂ ¦ [ and ] does non hold equal psychometric belongingss for usage in single assessmentaˆÂ ¦ † or in mention to the VAK theoretical account an even more damnatory statement: â€Å" aˆÂ ¦this instrument is a psychometric disaster aˆÂ ¦ † ( Learning Skills and Development Agency, 2004 ) . However, despite the discouraging studies on both of these theoretical accounts, the Honey and Mumford Scale seems to follow with traditionally accepted and trusted educational teaching methods. The theory of constructivist larning developed from knowledge theory, and it describes larning as a construct which can be continuously built upon and developed ( Herne, Jessel and Griffiths, 2000 ) . There besides seems to be a close nexus between larning in this manner and utilizing both left and right hemispheres of the encephalon, the logical and Gestalt facets ( californium. Cottrell, 2000 ) , in unison to supply the scholar with the best opportunity at their topic. It has been suggested that if anterior cognition of a capable exists, so the scholar will make better in understanding it. Likewise, the more adept the leaner at utilizing both sides of the encephalon, the more memory pathways they have available to them when accessing a subject ( after Herne, Jessel and Griffiths, 2000 ) . T herefore, a much more effectual usage of the current acquisition typologies would be to utilize their political orientation as a usher, to detect which accomplishments and subskills I can develop and heighten to assist me go capable of both wide and balanced acquisition. This is something I will take to hold achieved by the terminal of my grade. To reason so, this assignment has shown the patterned advance I have made throughout the first academic twelvemonth. It opened with an analysis of the accomplishments present at the start of the class discoursing how, six months subsequently on, they had helped to develop more advanced survey accomplishments. This assignment so offered a brief account of how learning typologies can impact the development of survey accomplishments ; they define how a individual understands a subject and besides define the position the scholar has of himself, a position which is non ever good when trying to better survey accomplishments. By mixing the findings of all the typologies available I have been able to nail farther failings that can be worked on throughout my future old ages at University. I have greatly enjoyed the chance to return to reflect on my personal acquisition manner within the parametric quantity of a pronounced faculty. It has become clear to me, through the reading I have undertaken as portion of this class and the unfavorable judgment I have had returned through this faculty, that I have now become more cognizant of myself and how I express what I have learned to others. It has besides given me the opportunity to reflect upon a acquisition and development scheme which was imposed instead hurriedly in the first few months of a class ; when I was still comparatively diffident as to what was expected of me. Mike Metcalfe ( 2006 ) summarises this whole procedure neatly when he explains how: Philosophers, research workers and experient direction theoreticians seem to hold noticed that worlds, when faced with a job, leap to a probationary solution and so take to move to rationalize that speculation utilizing more critical thought such as observation, concluding and experimentation. ( Pg123 ) If this construct is applied to the attack I used to turn to this faculty it would explicate how the initial program proposed in November was adopted over the two semesters. The initial assignment was designed to enable me to develop and heighten failings in survey accomplishments. However, without giving much idea to my existent apprehension of how such failings related to my acquisition, it has non been until this contemplation, some six months subsequently, that I have been able to to the full understand the importance of how I learn and integrate a stronger nucleus of advantageous survey accomplishments. I am now confident that any future development of survey accomplishments will organize a lasting foundation for acquisition. Appendix One Appendix Two